Home»Commentary»What Are Today’s Conservatives Leading You Towards? To Run From the Fight ,That’s What!

What Are Today’s Conservatives Leading You Towards? To Run From the Fight ,That’s What!

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“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.” -Matthew 5:13

I just got home from speaking at an event in Rancho Sante Fe, California. While there, I had heard over and over of all of those who have left the great state of California (Psalm 78:9). They have left, and are leaving, the state because of all of the corruption within the walls of their government.

You see, the people leaving are today’s version of conservatism. However, they are yesterday’s liberals. They love their state so much that they are unwilling to stand-up and fight for it.

Instead of calling the righteous throughout the country to move into the state to help them lawfully clean house per se (Isaiah 26:9), they just turn and run; they capitulate.

Like a bunch of cowards that are willing to live off the sacrifice of those who fought, bled, and died fighting against the very criminals to which they have now submitted themselves. Shameful!

What’s worse are those who are leading them in the capitulating.

How many well-known conservatives that are on social media platforms, radio and television were the first ones to leave the state?

What a pathetic message to send. Yet, I might remind you that it is the message that they have been sending for decades in this country, and it is a lack of conservatism.

According to The Los Angeles Times, California has lost 2.5% of its population.

This is also the case in New York.

These are just a few of the many that have sent this message.

These conservatives of the day are, in fact, leading the way in teaching their viewers and listeners not to stand up and to fight, mind you (1 Timothy 6:12), but rather to run from a problem that will be at their front door sooner or later if the people do not deal with it (Amos 6:3).

In conclusion, the question that they might ask themselves is, who is going to replace them? I can tell you, the very illegals for which they continuously complain (Deuteronomy 28:43).

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.  Article by Bradlee Dean.

The Washington Standard

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