Home»Videos»When Britain Seeks To Silence Tommy Robinson Via Sharia, Look How The #FreeTommy Movement Turns Out To Speak For Him

When Britain Seeks To Silence Tommy Robinson Via Sharia, Look How The #FreeTommy Movement Turns Out To Speak For Him

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After the unlawful and tyrannical attacks by the British government against one of their own, Tommy Robinson, the people have had enough, and it isn’t just the English who are ticked off at the injustice of jailing a Brit for simply reporting what was public knowledge concerning a Muslim rape gang trial.  A #FreeTommy protest is scheduled for Saturday, August 3 at Oxford Circus in London at 12 PM local time.


The mass protest is being called for by many Brits.

From the Pigeon Post, here’s “an exclusive supercut of the highlights and lowlights from every #FreeTommy event in July.

The #FreeTommy Instagram page is also alive with activity.


And what has outraged Britains so much that they would take to the streets over one man?

While The Guardian is, for the most part, a leftist site, it did get one thing right in its Tommy Robinson “martyr” piece:

As the rain fell on 6 February 2016, Tommy Robinson led a small crowd through an industrial estate on the edge of Birmingham. It was the launch event of Pegida UK, the anti-Islam outfit founded by Robinson. Fewer than 200 supporters turned up. Undeterred, he outlined the group’s pan-European ambitions. No other marches would follow.

Robinson had hit rock bottom. His other venture, the virulently Islamophobic English Defence League, had fractured and declined two years earlier. So low was his stock that anti-fascist organisations had stopped taking him seriously.

Fast forward 30 months and that stock has seen an extraordinary, and unsettling, rise. Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – is now positioned as a superstar of the international radical right, a global “martyr” for free speech and a lightning rod through which the far right intends to wage its struggle to protect “traditional” western freedoms from the perceived foes of Islam and liberal democracy.

It was his 13-month prison sentence for contempt of court in May that, according to Rob Ford, professor of politics at the University of Manchester, cemented Robinson’s journey from fringe player to occupying “a valuable niche in the radical-right ecosystem”.

The problem The Guardian has is that Tommy Robinson is not “far right.”  He’s simply a man who loves his country and sees it being overrun with Muslim invaders who are preying upon the daughters of Brits.

How in the world that is “far right” is beyond anyone, except Socialist cowards who don’t like true Western culture, which is Christian, not Islamic.

But it goes further than just British girls.  It goes to the very heart of the God-given right of free speech as Robinson was silenced from reporting outside courthouse on public information regarding a trial of members of a Muslim rape gang, something that Britain is infested with now.

Still, it isn’t just Brits who are backing Tommy Robinson.

Wired reports:

Tommy Robinson may have headed up the English Defence League, but the high-profile #FreeTommy online support campaign is far from English. Instead, the campaign is being fuelled and driven by the international far right, according to analysis of change.org petitions and Twitter activity by anti-fascist research group Hope Not Hate.

Researchers checked half a million tweets using the hashtags #FreeTommy and #FreeTommyRobinson between May 25 and June 11, in the lead up to the June 9 Free Tommy Robinson demonstration in London. Only 40 per cent of the tweets using those hashtags came from UK users while 35 per cent of posts were from the US with the remainder split between countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand and Netherlands.

Separate research at the end of May from US-based Alliance for Securing Democracy’s Hamilton 68 dashboard – which tracks Russian Twitter bot trending patterns – found the hashtag #FreeTommy charting at number two, #TommyRobinson at number three and #FreeTommyRobinson at number four.

Tommy Robinson may have headed up the English Defence League, but the high-profile #FreeTommy online support campaign is far from English. Instead, the campaign is being fuelled and driven by the international far right, according to analysis of change.org petitions and Twitter activity by anti-fascist research group Hope Not Hate.

Researchers checked half a million tweets using the hashtags #FreeTommy and #FreeTommyRobinson between May 25 and June 11, in the lead up to the June 9 Free Tommy Robinson demonstration in London. Only 40 per cent of the tweets using those hashtags came from UK users while 35 per cent of posts were from the US with the remainder split between countries including Australia, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand and Netherlands.

Separate research at the end of May from US-based Alliance for Securing Democracy’s Hamilton 68 dashboard – which tracks Russian Twitter bot trending patterns – found the hashtag #FreeTommy charting at number two, #TommyRobinson at number three and #FreeTommyRobinson at number four.

I see, notice that Wired didn’t label Change.org as “far left,” not add labels to Hope Not Hate, but hey, if you are from Australia, Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand and the Netherlands and you support the #FreeTommy movement, you’re a “far right winger.”  You’re not in support of freedom of speech and the rule of law and against the lawlessness of Islam and corrupt British judges, who are cowards submitting already to the dictates of Shariah.  Nope, you’re just a right winger.

However, at least one Christian preacher spoke very clearly on why people should be united behind Tommy Robinson regardless of anything else.


Additionally, a flash #FreeTommy demonstration took over Manchester Shopping Centre in July.

It’s going to take people rising up and protesting the injustices and it won’t stop with just one protest.  The people are going to have to make their government hear them and grow in numbers.  That growth will put greater fear into their representatives than any Muslims can ever instill.

Then, the people are going to have to deal with their lawless and tyrannical judges, cops and representatives by ousting them and then indicting them for their crimes.

May God be with you in your endeavor.  From across the pond, we stand with you!

Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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