American Public School Bans American Flag – The Reason will have You Seeing Red!
For the life of me I simply cannot understand the logical calisthenics that liberals must go through to come to their conclusions. The latest exampling of their “dizzying display of intellect” comes to us from Fruita, Colorado where a public school decided that it made sense to ban the flying of American flags on their campus parking lot.
Fruita Monument High School senior Paxton Streeter told one local news station about the new rule. “They said we can’t fly a Mexican flag, Confederate flag
, American flag
, any flag at all. I feel very disrespected that we cannot fly our country’s flag in our own country.”
“I’ve flown it since I started at this school, and never had a problem.” Streeter’s classmate Colt Chatfield added. Another senior Keegan Bogart thought the new rule was deplorable: “I don’t see how you can pull someone’s right to walk in graduation because they were being patriotic. My buddy was kicked out for having [a flag] in his truck, and they threatened to expel Colt Chatfield for it, and they told all seniors that they would not walk [in graduation] if we continued to display flags in the school’s parking lot.”
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Fortunately, after an uproar from students and their families, the school district began backpedaling away from the policy as quickly as they could. In fact, one school official, Matthew Diers, even tried to put the district on the side of protesting students, “I hope this turns into a tradition… This happens next year. Senior day, beach day, bring your flags.”
When will liberals (particularly in our nation’s schools) stop trying to ban things that are good while simultaneously attempting to force evil down our throats? Think about it – in some public schools in America it is against the rules to fly the flag, where a flag t-shirt, or defend the Bill of Rights
while simultaneously being okay to force kids to use same-sex bathrooms, and to provide contraceptives and abortifacients to underage children without their parents consent or even knowledge!
The liberal mind is one crazy mixed up place.
Article posted with permission from Eagle Rising.