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The Washington Standard

When you talk to socialists, even those who would not espouse the name, they often speak of the poor. They will quickly use religion and pity to drive home their political views. This, for many, is hard to overcome, and will end with confusion and guilt. The reason is that …

Leave it to the ‘presstitutes’ at the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, otherwise known as MSNBC, to debunk the “myth” about Hillary’s health issues live on air with authoritative “medical expert,” Charlie Pierce. On Morning Joe, Charlie completely debunked all claims that Hillary has health issues of any kind. …

Springfield, VA – Gun Owners of America has just released a new video entitled, “The Lie Behind Gun Free Zones.” “I don’t want to feel safe, I want to be safe,” Larry Pratt, Executive Director Emeritus of Gun Owners of America, stated at the beginning of the video. The video …

For many, there is a line that they are not willing to cross. They know where they are willing to go in defense of what they believe. Most of us will come short of losing our jobs and titles. But there are a few that God has granted to stand. …

The festival hasn’t finished yet, so the numbers may go up. The assaults come after the We are Stockholm music festival has been heavily criticised for covering up a series of sex attacks during last year’s arrangement. They also refused to disclose the nationality of the suspected assailants. The cover-up …

Kevuntez King sold newspapers for 5 Years and saved enough money to pay for college, while also earning straight A’s and playing sports. Memphis teen and high school graduate Kevuntez King has a message to Black Lives Matter activists: hard work, literally pays off. In a city of turbulence and …

Gangs of Muslims wielding chainsaws, machetes, and petrol bombs sounds like a sci-fi or zombie apocalypse horror film, but it is not a film- it is Western Europe 2016 under Muslim siege. This is the “new normal” that we are being told is the future. But, if this is actually …

This past week, a series of emails from George Soros was leaked to the world, proving once and for all that Mr. Soros is the puppet master behind the Democrat Party. One set of emails from the State Department shows Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the beck-and-call of Soros, …

These are truly unprecedented times. Central bankers have never had more power; monetary policy has never been stranger. Stock markets are at record highs, but the real economy is stagnate and suffering. The individuals in it are finding it difficult to makes ends meet, and are drowning in debt. All …

Unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans who go about their lives in a zombified state existing somewhere between clueless and misinformed, right now figurative lines in the sand are being drawn, and both sides are digging in for the fight of our lifetime. Will the United States remain a …