Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Testifies To Ohio Reps: Theorized About Experimental COVID Injection Leaving People “Magnetized” – Interfacing With 5G Towers
World renowned Dr. Sherri Tenpenny testified about the dangers of the experimental COVID injection and the phenomenon of metal objects sticking to people’s bodies who have taken the gene-altering shot and the connection to 5G technology while giving testimony at an Ohio House Health Committee meeting on Tuesday.
Tenpenny stated that the claims regarding magnetism and 5G were “thoughts” as people are trying to figure out what exactly is going on and how these things work together, if they actually do, which is something that Catherine Austin Fitts has said appears to be along with things like a cashless society.
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WKBN reports:
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- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny testified in favor of House Bill 248 which would keep a business or the government from requiring vaccinations.
- During her testimony Tenpenny stated:
- “I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized. They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick, because now we think that there’s a metal piece to that.
- “There’s been people who have long suspected that there’s been some sort of an interface, ‘yet to be defined’ interface, between what’s being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers.”
While The Mockingbird Media & The Fake Fact Checkers Try & Debunk COVID “Vaccine” “Magnetism,” This Doctor Explains Exactly What Is Going On (Video)
Now, it seems to me that Dr. Tenpenny has a lawsuit for slander and defamation as you will note the headline in the video below by NBC News, and carried by other Mockingbird media outlets that Tenpenny “falsely claimed” these things. No, she did not. She specifically said they were “thoughts” and were “unproven,” but that they were hypotheses.
It’s even worse at the CIA-tied Washington Post where Andrea Salcedo parroted the narrative the Tenpenny was stating falsehoods, but never included her statements that these things were both thoughts and unproven yet.
In that piece, propagandist Salcedo included tweets from Tyler Buchanan of the Ohio Capital Journal who did the same exact thing, calling her a liar and mixing different times in an attempt to claim Tenpenny was lying about her research.
Testimony going off the rails now.
Tenpenny is claiming there is metal in the vaccine that causes forks to stick to your forehead. She saw videos of it on the internet, you see
Also promoting the 5G cell phone network vaccine theory. This is the anti-vaccine "expert witness" pic.twitter.com/sPpuAqmHba
— Tyler Buchanan (@Tylerjoelb) June 8, 2021
I responded to his deception.
Just to point out, the "plandemic" began long before Ohio acted unconstitutionally. I see what you did there, swapped one thing that was said with a lawless act as though they were the same thing. try again, bro
— Tim Brown (@FPPTim) June 9, 2021
Actually it is true according to VAERS, and the adverse effects are through the roof and Harvard determined years ago that VAERS was only getting about 1% of the data, so it could be much more. You really are not paying close attention. https://t.co/YNqA4WdmQf
— Tim Brown (@FPPTim) June 9, 2021
Of course, WKBN attempted a short debunk of Dr. Tenpenny’s claims stating that the injections do not contain metals or microchips. They also claimed there is no evidence that 5G harms the immune system, but they also provide zero evidence that it does not.
They claim that Tenpenny has lied 100% of the time in her videos, but you be the judge as to who is telling the truth. In fact, shouldn’t WKBN and the source they point to be calling for Tenpenny’s arrest and indictment since she is allegedly lying while under oath before representatives of the people? They should, but they won’t because they are the ones peddling the lies, especially the “safe and effective” propaganda regarding these shots.
- Watch: “There’s An Effort Underway To Tear Up The Constitution” As The Economy Nears Collapse
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WKBN also took the side of Ohio Department of Health’s conference that allegedly dispells the “myths” about the shot. Just keep in mind that the Ohio Department of Health, along with the governor, have all engaged in tyrannical edicts that are unconstitutional and unlawful. They are a conflict of interest when speaking on this subject and the government of Ohio has zero authority when it comes to science or the people’s health.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny does have authority as one credited as a medical doctor, and unlike the Ohio Department of Health, she has not engaged in lawless behavior but simply spoken the truth. For that, the very ones doing the lying are pointing the finger at her and accusing her of what they are guilty of doing.
In the end, whether these shot do magnetize people or interface with 5G, the fact of the matter is that these shots have never been proven to be safe and effective… never.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media