Author David Rissealada from joins me in this episode to provide insight into the latest false flag “assassination attempt” and how it is right on cue with what Communists do and what they have said they would do to take over America. This is a wake up call! Visit …

“The victims displayed political yard signs for former President Donald Trump” After the attempted Trump assassination, the media quickly tried to pivot back to its usual “the other side is a threat to democracy” rhetoric, but even while the media floods the zone with Kamala gushing and Trump gnashing, the …

‘Judicial activism – judges coming up with desired results by twisting the Constitution to their desired end’ Bad ideas can often get accepted long after they were initially rejected. One generation recoils at a proposal. The next generation might cozy up to it. And the one after that might accept …

Taking power from Congress, the courts and people, giving it to bureaucrats. People already complain that Congress doesn’t actually legislate. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a solution, just get rid of the Supreme Court decision striking down ‘Chevron deference’ and just turn over legislative power to the administrative state. Warren in …

888,000 “grassroots” donors in just the last 24 hours. A new record! Bullshit. Reports indicate that $20 million from Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss was broken down into over 1.6 million donations across 400,000 donors, raising serious questions about the legitimacy of these contributions…. Similar allegations have surfaced before. ActBlue has …

Donors pick VP candidates and Obama makes the final pick. It’s only fair. Obama and his aides ousted Biden. The Obama team gets custody of the campaign. And its VP. The new one anyway. In the triumph of democracy that involved ousting a candidate that 14 million Democrats actually voted …

The past few days. What an incredible coincidence. Amazing how dropping out of the race can turn up documents. Now that the regime is no longer tasked with shielding Biden as its nominee, there’s no telling what will come to light. The Justice Department told a federal judge late Monday that it …

So what’s next for the cast-aside corruptocrat? Amid all the turbulence of the last couple of weeks, there is now at least one thing we can be sure of: Joe Biden, who is still the ostensible president of the United States, is still alive. After allegedly being diagnosed with COVID, …

Do you remember how painful the Great Recession was?  2008 and the years immediately following were definitely a very dark chapter in our history, but a new study has actually found that the percentage of Americans that worry they won’t be able to pay their bills is actually higher today …

And no matter who you are supporting, they are playing you!  Yep, it’s true, Donald Trump donated money to Kamala Harris and The Clinton Foundation.  Do you really think he’s any different than them?  Really? The Wall Street Journal reports: Before he was president, Donald Trump liked Kamala Harris enough …