Precious: Canadian Children Call & Leave Messages For Canadian Truckers In Convoy – “Thank You For Fighting For Our Freedom… For Being Our Heroes” (Video)
There is nothing more precious than little children recognizing, even if not fully comprehending, how some people are willing to sacrifice on their behalf so that they might be free. While many believe that the military ultimately does this, and in some cases they do, the reality is that the people themselves must do the fighting. In Canada, the truckers are doing it and they have had enough, driving into Ottawa to protest the man-child Trudeau’s unlawful dictates. What’s beautiful in all of this is that little kids are calling up and leaving touching messages, as only kids can do, for the truckers. These messages are of support, thankfulness and adoration for the courage to do the right thing.
- The Canadian Truckers Convoy For Freedom Is Getting Major Support From The People… & Now US Truckers! (Video)
- As First 1,000 Trucks Arrive in Ottawa, Trudeau Conveniently Isolates Himself Due To “COVID Exposure” (Video)
- Trucker “Vaccine” Mandate Continues to Worsen Canada’s Vegetable Supply
- What’s Happening In Canada Comes Next To The US Unless We Stop It Now
Take a listen.
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And it isn’t just the kids or the Canadian truckers.
The Canadian women are involved.
The people of Canada, as a whole, are involved.
Some police, who are not Nazis, are supportive.
And even the preachers are out in support!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media