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Twitter Enlists ‘Gay’ Thought Police
Twitter announced on Wednesday that it has assembled a new “Twitter Trust & Safety Council” to “ensure that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter.”
Huffington Post’s ‘Muslim Christmas Message’ Is More Lies
While Christians across the Muslim world suffer oppression, humiliation, and slaughter, the Huffington Post continues to pound out an alternative reality about the “religion of peace.” The latest in its long string of cynical and deceptive nonsense about Islam comes from the dishonest Ahmadi Muslim Kashif Chaudhry: “A Muslim’s Christmas …
Donald Trump: Hillary Is Only Running for President to Avoid Prison
Donald Trump promised that if he became president, he will conduct an investigation on Hillary Clinton for crimes, and he also said that the only reason why she’s running is because she wants to keep herself away from jail. According to the report: Speaking at a presidential campaign rally in …
Christians Are At War With One Another As Americans Leave The Church In Droves
Christianity is under attack from a thousand different directions all at once, and yet many believers have turned their guns on one another. This war among Christians seems to intensify with each passing year, and believers are often fighting for some of the stupidest reasons you can possibly imagine. Meanwhile, …
New Prime Minister of Canada Bringing in 25,000 Unscreened Muslims Who Hate Christians and Jews
How do you do background checks on 25,000 people, coming from a terrorist wasteland, in 7 weeks? Google their names? Ask for a resume? If you’re Justin Trudeau, you do nothing…just send out the ‘halal’ welcome wagons, drop to your knees, and praise Allah. The Rebel: Remember: These are the so-called …
Saint Martin’s Christian Festival Abolished Out of “Consideration for the Muslim Refugees”
Why? These migrants are coming to our countries from failed, devastated cultures. When and why was it decided that we have to mute and censor our traditions and mores for theirs — a failed society that suffocates and destroys? They are running from devastation and failure; why adopt that? Buy …
Obama and Robinson Discuss ‘Us Versus Them’ Mentality of Christians
One of the most irritating things to experience is when someone speaks about a topic of which they are ignorant—to sit and hear them completely misrepresent something that you know and love. You might be tempted to laugh at first, but then you realize that others, as ignorant as the …
In Wake of Oregon Religious Shooting, Obama IMMEDIATELY Goes After GUN RIGHTS
Obama exploited the horror and bloodshed in Oregon to warn of executive action on the second amendment. Imagine — making his bones on the bones of dead students. He is loathsome. He shrugged off the motive, implying it was irrelevant. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body …
In New York, Pope Francis Embraced Chrislam And Laid A Foundation For A One World Religion
Remarks made by Pope Francis at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan have sparked a firestorm of criticism from those that do not believe that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Many have taken the Pope’s remarks as a major step in the direction of a one world religion, and …
US Marine Rips Down Street Ad of Sodomites Put Up for Children to See
Homosexuals placed up homosexual imagery in plain view sight for children and others to see. Well, one righteous American marine was so nobly angry that he took a rock and smashed it, he then took the disgusting poster and threw it to the street. Here is the video, with my …