The Next Tier In Lee County, Florida Corruption: State Attorney Amira Fox
I’ve been covering a story in Lee County, Florida which has uncovered a host of corruption related to the case of Deanna Williams in the judicial system, attorneys and the sheriff’s office. That has led to uncovering documents concerning the fraud the current sheriff, Carmine Marceno, has perpetrated on the people of the county and which the governor and attorney general are letting him get away with. There is still more to come on those both those stories as soon as I receive the documents I need to confirm several things. The next tier in the corruption is the state attorney for the 20th Judicial Circuit, Amira Fox.
According to Fox’s website:
Amira recognizes that the number one duty of a prosecutor is to keep the community safe. She and her husband Mike have raised four children in SW Florida and care deeply about the safety of our community. She understands that the worst criminals deserve the strongest sentences and believes that violent and habitual offenders must be severely punished. Recently, Amira worked to convict Mesac Damas, who murdered his wife and five children in Collier County and was successful in obtaining six death sentences. Amira has a long and distinguished record of convicting some of the most serious criminals in our five-county circuit since 1990.
Additionally, Amira has been instrumental in targeting those who commit crimes due to drug addiction and mental illness in order to hold them accountable while simultaneously seeking appropriate treatment so that they do not return to the criminal justice system. Thanks to the efforts of Amira, the Courts, local law enforcement, and local drug and mental health professionals, our area is a leader within Florida for its effective Drug Courts, Mental Health Courts and, Veteran’s Courts.
Finally, Amira believes that prosecutors must always look for new ways to attack crime and keep us safe. She has been instrumental over her last five years as Chief Assistant State Attorney in working with law enforcement to implement the gang and racketeering task force which has resulted in racketeering charges against gang members. She has also led the way in cooperating with law enforcement in conducting wiretap operations to catch and punish those who are selling and trafficking opioids and other illegal drugs in our community.
Now, a prosecutor’s number one duty is not to keep the community safe. It is to prosecute criminals. I grant that keeps the community safe, but when a woman like this is running around with a sheriff that has presented himself fraudulently, that is not keeping the community safe. It’s aiding and abetting.
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Furthermore, I’ll be revealing just how Fox’s husband, Mike, is tied into the sordid injustice that Deanna Williams has suffered in a later article.
For today, I want to deal with just one case of the corruption of Amira Fox. The following two articles are posted in their entirety with permission from the author, along with links to the evidence of the complaint against her that she campaigned during working hours, which is a violation of law. Notice how despite the evidence, it was swept under the rug.
Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira Fox – FL Dept. of Law Enforcement Criminal Complaint / Open Investigation – FL. Dept. of State/Division of Elections
(Blue links are live)
Violations of Florida Statute 104.31 and Florida Statute 110.233.
Current – Open investigation with the Department of State/Division of Elections requested by FDLE. Complaints dated 9/11/2018 and 9/28/2018 were filed with FDLE who in turn, submitted the complaints by mail to Christie Willis at the Division of Elections on Nov 2, 2018 and Oct 17, 2018, for investigation. FDLE EI Number 73-8648, IRR 759, IRR 851. Dept. of State complaint #19-1 is being reviewed by Deputy General Counsel Ashley Davis. (please see details below) Edwards, Candice D. <[email protected]>Jan 30 at 11:24 AM
Good Afternoon,
Your case number for you complaint form is 19-1, please allow Deputy General Counsel Ashley Davis time to fully review your complaint. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank You,
Candice Edwards
Executive Assistant , Office of the General Counsel
_________________________________________________________________________________The complaints #1, #2, and #3 (listed below) were sent to FDLE on the dates provided.
After calling FDLE for an update in January 2019, I spoke with two different FDLE Investigators who stated my two complaints on Amira Fox campaigning during work hours were mailed to the Department of State/ Division of Elections for investigation on November 2, 2018 and October 17, 2018.
Upon calling the Division of Elections I was informed they had no records of my complaints; I then resubmitted complaint #1 in late January.
Complaints #2 and #3, regarding the Illegal Slaughter farms were not found at FDLE and were thought to have been included with complaint #1 and sent to the Division of Elections. All documents appear to have been lost.
(click on the blue links for complaint details)NBC2 News – Complaint alleges state attorney candidate Amira Fox campaigned during work hours
9/11/2018 FDLE Complaints
Criminal Complaint # 01: Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox, Bar Number 861316 –
A new complaint has been sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement requesting a criminal investigation into Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox’s campaigning activities during work hours as a state employee to run for the position of State Attorney during 2018.Quoted in the Fort Myers News-Press (August 11, 2018) that Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox admitted refunding money to the state for campaigning while she was officially working. According to Ms. Fox’s 2018 work calendar, it appears Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox continued to campaign during work hours while running for Lee County State Attorney.
Violations of Florida Statute 104.31 and Florida Statute 110.233.
Supplemental – 9.28.18 FDLE Supplemental Amira Fox year 2018
FDLE Criminal Complaints – Campaigning During Work Hours
FDLE Stephen B. Russell – State Attorney
FDLE_Larry Justham Complaint – Lee County Felony Division Chief – Assistant State Attorney Larry D. Justham
FDLE Complaint Abe Thornburg – Assistant State Attorney
SAO PolicyComplaint # 02:
State Attorney Stephen B. Russell, Bar Number 214299 , Lee County Felony Division Chief Larry D. Justham, Bar Number 303518, Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox, Bar Number 861316, Assistant State Attorney Cameron J. Siggs, Bar Number 61207
Criminal investigation requested into Prosecution case State Attorney’s Office 18MM21891 CFS18-177672, conducted by the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the Lee County State Attorney’s Office.
Case evidence photos are referenced with the current case number CFS # 18-MM-021891 with arrest date of 4/17/2018 however, the photos are dated a year prior on 4/17/2017, a year earlier, and after the internal investigation between the Sheriff’s office and State Attorney’s office was referenced as closed by Sgt. Randy Hodges in the news on 4/12/2018. This case went to court and the paperwork has gone through the Sheriff’s office and the State Attorney’s office with inconsistent dates. Pig – 828.13 Confinement of animals without sufficient food, water, or exercise; abandonment of animals.
Goats – 828.073 Animals found in distress.
(Lethargic pig was diagnosed by Vet with broken leg and euthanized)Complaint # 03:
Criminal investigation requested into complaints #1 and #2
State Attorney Stephen B. Russell, Bar Number 214299 , Lee County Felony Division Chief Larry D. Justham, Bar Number 303518, Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira D. Fox, Bar Number 861316, Assistant State Attorney Cameron J. Siggs, Bar Number 61207
1. According to Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira Fox, “Four illegal slaughterhouses were shut down in Lee County”.
Public records request reveal there is no documentation available at the Lee County State Attorney’s Office reflecting the slaughterhouses were shut down. Evidence reveals the farms were still in operation.2. Two Felonies were committed on 8/11/2017 in front of a Lee County Sheriff’s Detective during an active investigation between Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Lee County State Attorney’s Office.
While under the supervision of the State Attorney’s office in a joint investigation, the sworn Affidavit was notarized but unsigned and filed away, no arrest were made.
Here is the follow-up:
Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira Fox – FL Commission on Ethics Complaint /Investigation/Dismissed
(Blue links are live)
The Florida Commission on Ethics; with recommendation from Attorney General Advocate Elizabeth Miller dismissed all complaints regarding Chief Assistant State Attorney Amira Fox campaigning during work hours.
(The complaints are currently being investigated by the Florida Department of State/Division of Elections) (Click Link)You may review a few of the Florida Commission on Ethics hearing documents here:
Complaint 17-164
17164 Correspondence from Complainant
17164 Order to Investigate
18148 Order to Investigate
17164 Advocate_s Recommendation
17164 Report of Investigation
17164 Public Report
Apr2019pres(Written complaint # 18-148; July 1st is a noted date typo, the correct date, July 5th, is documented in the four paged detailed spreadsheet of political events attended during work hours. It should be noted public records reveal Fox turned in a list of requested Leave dates from January 1, 2017 through July 31, 2018; however the details of the times for each request were not listed on the report, such as all day or half day, hours, etc. According to Fox’s timesheets she attended political events during work hours then took annual leave or sick leave after the political events were attended.
18-148 Original Complaints can be viewed below
It is the duty of the Florida Commission on Ethics to investigation all facts parties materially related to the complaint at issue. It appears the Florida Commission on Ethics did not fully investigate the overwhelming evidence presented in Complaint # 18-148 which revealed adequate reason to conduct an investigation beyond probable cause; nor were the direct witnesses provided to Investigator Travis Wade by both myself and complaint #17-164 contacted by Mr. Wade or Attorney General Advocate Elizabeth Miller.
(Opinion) It is concerning that Amira Fox, Russell’s Chief Assistant State Attorney cleared Pam Bondi in the Trump donation case without a proper investigation. Complainant Attorney Larrabee stated the decision by State Attorney Stephan Russell was flawed for not contacting him to conduct an investigation.
Pam Bondi endorsed Amira Fox for State Attorney, Pam Bondi strongly supported Ashley Moody as her successor, now it appears we have an Attorney General Advocate (previous Bondi staffer) Elizabeth Miller dismissing Amira Fox’s alleged ethical violations without a proper investigation. Ashley Moody owes the citizens of Florida an explanation why there was not a proper and full investigation.
Original Complaints:
(click on the blue links to read the full complaint)Florida Commission #18-148 Ethics Complaint – Campaigning During Work Hours – (March, April, May 2018)
Supplemental #18- 148 – Supplemental Ethics Complaint – (January, February, June, July, August 2018)
Florida Statute 104.31, Florida Statute 110.233 – Criminal Violations
Notice, she was not cleared in this matter, the state simply didn’t investigate.
Just like the FDLE failed to do their due diligence in investigating Sheriff Carmine Marceno for clear ethics violations that should have gotten him removed from office and left a woman pregnant and her grand theft complaint of $200,000 ignored, it seems that Fox has the same connections in the State of Florida among those who simply don’t believe they should investigate this level of corruption.
And keep in mind, these are Republicans we’re talking about here.
For previous articles in this ongoing series, see below:
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Judge Tossed Right To Sue Rape Victim – Florida Attorneys Still Pursue Her, Threaten Arrest
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
- Why Did The Florida Judicial System Render A Final Judgment Against A Rape Victim Without Giving Her Time To Defend Herself?
- What Do Gloria Allred & A Florida Judge Busted In A Prostitution Sting Have In Common?
- Ousted Oklahoma Judge Turned Florida Attorney Michael Chionopoulos Involved In Possible Malpractice In Depriving Rape Victim Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
- 1 Person Now Dead In Case Against Rape Victim – When Will Governor DeSantis, the Attorney General & Florida Bar Intervene?
- Did Florida Governor & Sean Hannity Drop Support Of Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno Because He Abused His Power To Pursue Women For Sex & Wanted His Baby Murdered?
- Florida State-Controlled Media Provides Cover For FDLE Report On Lee County Sheriff Regarding Threats In Paternity Suit – Here’s What They Didn’t Report
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
- Exclusive: The Fraud In Lee County Continues – Documents Indicate Sheriff Never Met The Requirements To Be A Police Officer
- Florida “Republicans” Are Apparently OK Supporting Pro-Baby Murder & Corrupt Sheriff
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Decorates Himself In Same Fashion As Dictators Of The Past