Will Vaccine Deaths Exceed COVID Deaths?
We need to ask that question: Will vaccine deaths exceed COVID deaths? When the COVID-19 situation started about a year ago, the governments predicted extreme amounts of death. They said avoidance of those predicted deaths was the top priority. As of February 25, 2021, they were claiming 518,808 deaths with COVID-19. They were also claiming 28,981,600 Coronavirus Cases. That is from a population of 332,267,382 people in the United States as of February 25, 2021, according to Worldmeter.
The number of deaths based on their numbers is about 1 out of every 640 people in the United States. To apply that to something local, in the town I live in, maybe 1 person would have died in the last year from coronavirus. The question is, says who? When I say who, I do not mean the World Health Organization, I mean who. I say who, as in what person, which person, and should we believe them?
The mainstream media has reported on COVID-19 deaths and vaccine deaths, but can we believe them? The mainstream media has been called Fake News and an Enemy of the People. Should we believe someone who has an accusation like that made against them? They say we should not. The mainstream media has smeared thousands of people based on nothing more than accusations. Therefore, based on the mainstream media’s own guidelines, we cannot believe them.
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The people in the mainstream media are also known conspiracy theorists. The mainstream media regularly claims that people disagreeing with them are conspiracy theorists. The media is implying those people are conspiring to wreck the mainstream media’s reputation. If the mainstream media is afraid of a conspiracy, they are conspiracy theorists. Therefore, based on the mainstream media’s own guidelines, we cannot believe them.
How about the government? Can we believe their numbers? Well, considering the government has taken credit for getting us vaccines, they would have a conflict of interest. It would be unwise to believe someone with a conflict of interest, but for this situation, we will examine the government’s numbers. Even their numbers prove the point.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 23, 2020, reported:
“For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.”
CDC. Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics, Comorbidities. National Center for Health Statistics, page Table 3, Aug 2020.
That gives us something important to think about. As of February 25, 2021, they were claiming 518,808 deaths with COVID-19, but that is not deaths from COVID-19 only. If we apply the 6% the CDC tells us is only from COVID-19, the death from only COVID-19 should be 31,129 in the entire United States of America for almost a year.
We need to adjust the other death numbers to match what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told us. As of February 25, 2021, the deaths from only COVID-19 should be 31,129 in the entire U.S. That is from a population of 332,267,382 people in the United States as of February 25, 2021, according to Worldmeter.
The number of deaths based on death with COVID-19 only is about 1 out of every 10,674 people in the United States. To also apply that to something local, in the town I live in the 1 person that would have died in the last year from a coronavirus would no longer apply, and it did not apply. In our town, it was known that our coronavirus death was 94 years old, and had terminal leukemia. He was given 3 months to live and lived 4. That was our coronavirus death.
We need to apply it to the county I live in. It would be about 1 person in the entire county instead of 1 person in 1 town. In the last year, we may have lost only 1 person to coronavirus. That’s hardly worth the extremism we have been receiving from the buffoons claiming to be brilliant public servants. However, I personally know of one young person that killed himself in the last year. I will not claim to know what went on in their head to cause him to kill himself, but I had not seen them since the lockdown began. In my county, the lockdown may have killed more people than coronavirus.
Considering this information, we cannot trust the mainstream media or the government to answer our question of “Will Vaccines Deaths Exceed COVID Deaths?” Considering I have now read more than 600 articles on coronavirus from different medical journals and other sources including the CDC, and I also have had math in school, I will give it a go at answering the question. I admit I went to an inferior government school, but I do not have a home-schooled person handy, so I will have to do.
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According to NBC News as of February 25, 2021, there were 20,607,261 full vaccinations given. As of February 4, 2021, the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had received 12,697 injury reports and 653 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination as reported by the Defender on February 12, 2021. That would calculate to 1 out of every 31,558 people reported to die from vaccination for COVID-19.
The number of deaths from COVID-19 only, was about 1 out of every 10,674 people in the United States, but that was for about a year. The 1 out of every 31,558 people reported to die from vaccination for COVID-19 is for barely 2 months. We need to adjust this to get a better comparison.
The death from only COVID-19 calculation was 31,129 in the entire United States of America for the year. That would only be 2,594 deaths per month. That is 1 out of every 128,091 people in the United States per month died from COVID-19 only, if we adjust deaths for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 6% disclosure.
Compare the 1 out of every 31,558 people reported dying from vaccination for COVID-19 in the barely 2 months of vaccination to only 1 out of every 128,091 people that died per month from actually getting COVID-19.
Some would say only the death of 1 out of 31,558 people being vaccinated is pretty good odds, but not if you compare it to the 1 out of 128,091 people that died only from COVID-19. Remember, the vaccine is only experimental. We do not have a year of vaccination to the year of COVID-19.
I am not going to ask the mainstream media, who receive millions of dollars in advertising money from the pharmaceutical companies. I am also not going to ask the pharmaceutical companies who make billions of dollars from vaccines. Only a fool would believe the government agencies. They are partnering with the companies making the billions of dollars from the vaccines. Big business getting money and partnering with the government, rarely makes anyone honest.
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Considering how the death numbers look after the adjustments for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s 6% confession, we do not need to ask why they are still reporting the deaths with COVID numbers, instead of the deaths from COVID only numbers. We also do not need to ask why the vaccine manufacturers needed Congress to give them immunity from any injuries they caused. We all know that if they really made a good vaccine, and if the vaccine really is safe, they would not need government granted immunity.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media