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China Is Quietly Constructing Hundreds Of Very Large Self-Sustaining “Special Economic Zones” All Over The Globe
The Chinese have made enormous mountains of money by exporting cheap goods to the rest of the world, and this has given them a tremendous amount of economic power. Now they are attempting to extend their economic domination by constructing hundreds of very large self-sustaining “special economic zones” in other …

Syria’s President Signs New Constitution Establishing The Country As An Islamic State
Editor’s Note: This is America’s doing. We trained, funded and armed these jihadis and no one stopped it. It was inevitable and now, our brothers and sisters in Christ, along with others are being persecuted and killed because of it. America needs God to bless her with repentance! But we’re …

And Here It Comes Because The People Didn’t Bring The Criminals To Justice The First Time… UN Declares “Unprecedented” Bird Flu Threat
A United Nations agency has warned that an unprecedented threat from avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has emerged. The Food and Agriculture Organization claimed that as H5N1 has jumped to mammals, there will be “serious impacts” on food production, rural jobs, local economies, and consumer prices. According to …

SYRIA: Jihadis Call For The Extermination Of The Alawites
A video shows a jihadist preaching to people about the sacred duty of exterminating the Alawite sect, claiming that Muhammad, their prophet and role model, did the same with the Jews. 11 March 2025: One of Al-Jolani’s jihadists in Damascus organized a demonstration, calling for the extermination of the Alawites, …

The Admission That Israel Funded Hamas Comes From An Unlikely Source – The Jerusalem Post
We have had so many who have lied to the people about the nature of the modern-day state of Israel, that many now do not understand the difference between the Israel of the Bible and geo-political Israel today. With this comes all that lies about what Israel is, and is …

European Leaders Warn That Conscription Will Be Necessary As The EU Launches An $840 Billion Program To Prepare For War With Russia
If you were drafted, would you willingly go to the killing fields of eastern Ukraine? What about your children? The war in Ukraine has been an endless “meat grinder” that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of Russian lives and more than a million Ukrainian lives. Those that are sane …

Ukraine Acting Like “Rabid Animal” After Drone Strike On American Oil Interests
According to former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, a Ukrainian drone strike on an internationally operated oil pumping station in Russia was an attack against United States companies. It also puts President Donald Trump’s agenda at risk, turning Kiev into an enemy of the West. The Kropotkinskaya station, which was struck by Ukrainian drones …

South Africa Legalizes Mass Land Seizures from White Farmers
How long until the famines come? It was always going to come to this. The corrupt ANC government just starved dozens of black miners to death to gain control over the diamond trade. The regime suffered a massive decline in popularity forcing it to cut deals even as it hiked …

Top UN “Court” to Issue Landmark Ruling on “Climate Change”
At the request of the United Nations and its member governments, the top UN “court” is set to rule on the supposed legal “obligations” of governments when it comes to fighting CO2 emissions and the alleged man-made “climate change” they supposedly cause. Experts say it may be the most significant case …

UK Parliament Votes 364 to 111 Against Muslim Rape Gang Investigation
250,000 votes of rape victims vs 4 million Muslim bloc votes. No contest. The Labour government had announced that it was responding to the brutal Muslim killing of a little girl in the UK with a crackdown on homeschooling that it had dubbed the ‘Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill’. While Labour was …