Home»Videos»More Of What The Mockingbird Media Doesn’t Want You To See: The Protestors In The Faces Of Violent Tyrants (Videos)

More Of What The Mockingbird Media Doesn’t Want You To See: The Protestors In The Faces Of Violent Tyrants (Videos)

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We have witnessed the horrific tyranny in Australia against those that play the man and exercise liberty in rebellion to tyranny. It truly has been incredible and the Mockingbird media won’t show you the millions of people in protest and it won’t show you the tyrannical actions of the cops, but it isn’t just happening in Australia.

Here’s just a few reminders of what is going on Down Under.

But look at what took place in Rotterdam as police opened fire on protestors, as other protestors rush in to offer first aid from the attacks of the agents of the state.

And then from Rotterdam, we move right to Brussels.

The more this increases, the more the people need to remain resolute. Your enemies are not backing down and neither should we!

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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