Exclusive Bombshell: Lee County Sheriff’s Office Can’t Produce Certification For Sheriff
OK, let me be clear up front: my reports have never been to state that Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, who was appointed, not elected, by then-Governor Rick Scott had to have certification to be sheriff. That is an elected position that anyone who runs and is elected may fill. My reporting and documentation have been to demonstrate that for over a decade before becoming sheriff, Marceno was, in effect, impersonating a police officer as he never met the out of state requirements of Florida law to bypass police academy training in Florida. Now, even the Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) has admitted to The Washington Standard that they don’t have his credentials regarding that.
If you have not followed this story, I laid out the Florida law, what the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) says about the law and demonstrated with documentation that Carmine Dominic Marceno committed a felony in the state for over 16 years.
Those articles can be accessed below, as well as his fraud concerning his education.
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- The Documents SW Florida Media Are Afraid To Show Lee County Citizens About Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
- Exclusive: The Fraud In Lee County Continues – Documents Indicate Sheriff Never Met The Requirements To Be A Police Officer
Thirteen days ago, I submitted a request to LCSO for Marceno’s 76 and 76a certification via their website, which FDLE claims are held by the employer. Naples Police Department doesn’t have them. Collier County Sheriff’s Department doesn’t have them, and now, LCSO has admitted they don’t have them either.
This was my request:
I have been told by FDLE that certification 76 and 76a are held by the employer. I am requesting those of Sheriff Carmine Dominic Marceno in conjunction with Florida law and any and all certifications other than that that pertain to Mr. Marceno during his time at Lee County Sheriff’s Office.
The number assigned to my request was P025004-050719
What was the response? “No Documents Responsive to your Request.”
Now, you may be wondering what a 76 and 76a certification is. Glad you asked.
According to FDLE, it is Exemption from Training and Exemption from Training – Proficiency Demonstration. In other words, these are the forms that are to certify that Marceno met Florida law to bypass nearly 800 hours at the police academy after transferring from Suffolk County Park Police as a part-time park ranger to Florida.
Not only did Marceno not complete the required 12 months of full time sworn duty as an officer in New York, but he was never to take an equivalency of training test in the first place. Yet, they gave it to him and he failed it twice.
There are no documents that I have been able to retrieve from anywhere he has worked or at FDLE, which claims they don’t keep them, that would substantiate the claims that he was ever lawfully wearing a badge and carrying a gun in the state of Florida.
Governor Ron DeSantis is aware of this. Attorney General Ashley Moody is aware of this. State Attorney and best buddy to Carmine Marceno, Amira Fox Dajani whose family has Islamic terror ties and she has an abundance of corruption surrounding her, is aware of this. FDLE is aware of this. The Southwest Florida media is aware of all of this.
And every single one of them has remained silent, buying time, not doing anything about the criminal top cop in Lee County.
As a result, anyone who has ever received a speeding ticket, been arrested or unethically handled by Marceno, including Deanna Williams whom he pursued for sex, impregnated and wanted her to murder the unborn child, should have a case for getting rid of any convictions in which Marceno was involved. Because before he became sheriff, he was committing a felony every day he put on the uniform by impersonating a police officer.
There is no doubt in my mind that Naples Police Department aided and abetted him in his crime, as they didn’t deal with it. Collier County Sheriff Kevin Rambosk also would have had to have known, as did former Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott. If they didn’t know, they are either sadly negligent or willfully aiding and abetting a felon. It’s one or the other.
Sadly, everyone and anyone who has the authority to do anything about the matter remains silent. Why is that? Maybe you would like to call and ask them.
Executive Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
400 S Monroe St
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 488-7146
Office of Attorney General
State of Florida
The Capitol PL-01
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1050
(850) 414-3300
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Mailing Address:
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
P.O. Box 1489
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1489
State Attorney Amira Fox Dajani
Mailing Address:
Court Administration
1700 Monroe Street
Fort Myers, FL 33901
(239) 533-9197
For previous articles in this series:
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Judge Tossed Right To Sue Rape Victim – Florida Attorneys Still Pursue Her, Threaten Arrest
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
- Why Did The Florida Judicial System Render A Final Judgment Against A Rape Victim Without Giving Her Time To Defend Herself?
- What Do Gloria Allred & A Florida Judge Busted In A Prostitution Sting Have In Common?
- Ousted Oklahoma Judge Turned Florida Attorney Michael Chionopoulos Involved In Possible Malpractice In Depriving Rape Victim Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
- 1 Person Now Dead In Case Against Rape Victim – When Will Governor DeSantis, the Attorney General & Florida Bar Intervene?
- Did Florida Governor & Sean Hannity Drop Support Of Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno Because He Abused His Power To Pursue Women For Sex & Wanted His Baby Murdered?
- Florida State-Controlled Media Provides Cover For FDLE Report On Lee County Sheriff Regarding Threats In Paternity Suit – Here’s What They Didn’t Report
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
- Exclusive: The Fraud In Lee County Continues – Documents Indicate Sheriff Never Met The Requirements To Be A Police Officer
- Florida “Republicans” Are Apparently OK Supporting Pro-Baby Murder & Corrupt Sheriff
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Decorates Himself In Same Fashion As Dictators Of The Past
- The Next Tier In Lee County, Florida Corruption: State Attorney Amira Fox
- Is The State Of Florida Going To Quietly Stand By As This Woman’s Life Hangs In The Balance As They Did With Terri Schiavo?
- Florida Sheriffs Association Silent On Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Fraud
- The Documents SW Florida Media Are Afraid To Show Lee County Citizens About Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Is “Women’s Rights” Attorney Gloria Allred Responsible For Leaving This Woman To Face Over A $1 Million Judgment?
- A Florida Bar Investigator, The State Attorney & A Sheriff – The Corruption Runs Deep
- Joe Biden Dropped Out Of The ’88 Presidential Election For Embellishing His Academic Record – Why Doesn’t Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Drop Out Of His Campaign?
- What Is With Florida Republicans Supporting Frauds, Police Impersonators & Those Tied To Islamic Terrorism?
- Gloria Allred Leaves Florida Woman Hanging Out To Dry While Greedy, Money Hungry Attorneys & Enabling, Corrupt Judges Pursue Her For Over $1 Million (Video)
- Florida Bar Drops The Ball On Attorney Grand Theft Of $200,000… Again!
- Florida Attorney Scott Mager Seems To Make A 6 Figure Job For Himself Against Rape Victim