Rape Victim Files Bar Complaint Against Florida Attorney Scott Mager Alleging He’s Knowingly In Possession of Six-Figures Of Stolen Funds
Deanna Williams, a victim of rape by a Major League Baseball player in 2009, has filed a complaint with the Florida Bar against prominent attorney Scott Mager of Mager-Paruas of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. That complaint alleges that Mager is knowingly in possession of a substantial six-figure amount, $300,000, of fund stolen from her.
Williams’ complaint comes after a lengthy attempt to have the Florida Bar aid her in putting it together. While the investigator assigned to her to provide a complaint to file to the Bar didn’t fully measure up professionally, she was able to put together the complaint and file it last week against attorney Scott Mager.
Ms. Williams’ complaint was encouraged by Florida Bar counsel who told her that it appears the Mager was attempting to take advantage of a helpless, defenseless, pregnant woman with multiple sclerosis, who knew her involvement with the sheriff of Lee County, Carmine Marceno, who documents show that he impersonated a police officer for 16 years before being appointed to sheriff by former Florida Governor Rick Scott.
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According to the complaint, Williams alleges, “Scott Mager represented Michael Dolce in his fee complaint against me that came about after Michael Dolce abandoned the case and I hired Gloria Allred to replace him. Gloria Allred promised in the retainer agreement to pay all prior attorney fees. However, when she failed to do so, Mr. Dolce sued me for a fee.”
“The fee complaint against me was filed in 2013 and I believe Mr. Mager began representing Dolce in 2014. At no time did Scott Mager ever perform any work for me nor was he associated with Dolce at any time that Dolce represented me,” she added.
Despite the above facts, Williams claims, “in every court hearing or motion I have been witness to or aware of Scott Mager describes himself as someone who was involved in the case ‘from the beginning’ and has said referenced that I have enjoyed the benefits of the lawsuit while ‘we [a reference to himself and Dolce] go unpaid.'”
I have heard audio and am in possession of court proceedings obtained from Lee County 20th Judicial Circuit Electronic Records that affirm this to be the case.
Williams goes on to state, “Scott Mager has misrepresented his interest in the case in every proceeding I have witnessed.”
Mager also is knowingly in possession of stolen funds, according to Williams and concerning phone conversations between her and a spokesperson for Mager, who seemed to attempt to extort Ms. Williams in order gain her cooperation in suing attorneys Gloria Allread and Jonathan Heller, who represented her in the initial rape case in exchange for dropping pursuing her arrest by Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno.
Williams’s complaint states:
In June of 2017, I hired attorney G Ware Cornell to defend me against the claim that Scott Mager bought Michael Dolce’s interest in. Mr. Cornell indicated that he immediately contacted Scott Majer to discuss the case. Following that conversation, Mr. Cornell entered his appearance not in the fee case that I had hired him to represent me in, but in the inactive rape case, which left me unrepresented in the fee case. In October of 2017, Ware Cornell intercepted funds from a $200,000 payment due to me by falsely claiming authorization to receive such funds on my behalf. When confronted with this theft and asked to immediately return my funds to me, Mr. Cornell claimed that he had been in contact with Scott Mager and he had promised him the stolen funds.
After Ware Cornell’s refusal to return stolen funds and other conduct detrimental to me, I asked him to withdraw from the case.
Mike Chionopoulos entered his appearance immediately after I fired Cornell. Scott Mager approach Chionopoulos with a plan to distribute the funds that were stolen by Mr. Cornell. I was forced to sign paperwork in order to receive a portion of my stolen funds back.
What I was not aware of was the plan between Chionopoulos and Scott Mager. I had no idea what it meant or what would happen. My desire was to set aside the default that happened after Scott Mager assumingly convinced Ware Cornell to enter his appearance in the wrong case number and trigger a default judgment against me and intercept the payment that was supposed to be paid directly to me prior to a final judgment being entered.
It was the theft of funds that laid the groundwork for a final judgment being entered against me. Without that theft, I would have hired competent counsel who would have protected my rights by moving to set aside the default. I would have understood my rights because the attorneys representing me would not have been defrauding me and making false statements in order to make a profit. Mike chionopoulos and Ware Cornell both relayed to me that they had been approached by Scott Mager with a plan to force me to sue Gloria Allred. During a closed-door meeting with Judge Rosman, a seven-figure judgment, far in excess of funds I would have received in the underlying case, was stipulated to. I understand that Scott Mager and Mike Chionopoulos were present in that meeting. It was at that time that they asked Judge Rossman to distribute the funds that they were well aware had been stolen and withheld from me.
Sometime around May of 2018, Scott Mager communicated to Mike Chionopoulos about a proposed agreed order in my case pertaining to provision of a fact information sheet. In an affidavit provided to the court, Mike Chionopoulos said that he and Scott Mager had a conversation and agreed upon when the fact information sheet would be provided. That was all the order was supposed to address. After the conversation, Mike Chionopoulos says that he indicated his acceptance of the order that was prepared by Mr. Mager, believing it contained only the language that he had agreed to per their phone conversation. Mike Chionopoulos states that he was unaware that Scott Mager inserted language into the agreement that stated that I irrevocably transferred all future payments in the case to Scott Mager.
And with that fraudulent agreed entry, Scott Mager intercepted another $200,000 by committing fraud.
Mager is aware of Williams previous relationship with Marceno in which she went to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office to report grand theft by her attorney only to be pursued for a sexual relationship by Marceno, something that Flordia Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) swept under the rug and failed to investigate. That relationship resulted in Williams becoming pregnant by Marceno and his demand that she murder their unborn child. Due to the pressure between Marceno, Mager and the corrupt judicial system of Lee County, Williams eventually gave birth to a stillborn child shortly after a judge gave Mager exactly what he wanted, an arrest warrant of Williams over attorney’s fees in a civil case.
Mr. Mager knew the circumstances of the relationship of Marceno and Williams. He knew her health issues at the time, but nothing could divert his attention from the seven-figure judgment he thought he was owed, granted to him by a judge busted in a prostitute sting. He knowingly sought to use her enemy against her to manipulate her so that he could make over a million dollars.
Let that sink in.
There is more to the complaint, but Williams has been able to obtain counsel in the matter.
John H. Trevena is now representing Williams in the case and has filed a motion to rescind the judge’s write of bodily attachment for which attorney Scott Mager pushed. Trevena is also poised to not only fight Mager in the case, but also to represent Ms. Williams in further lawsuits against the attorneys that stole, swindled and malpracticed against her.
Williams still needs funds for medical care and sustaining her life during this time until things can be settled. If you are able to contribute, please do so via her GoFundMe page here.
Previous articles in this series:
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Judge Tossed Right To Sue Rape Victim – Florida Attorneys Still Pursue Her, Threaten Arrest
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
- Why Did The Florida Judicial System Render A Final Judgment Against A Rape Victim Without Giving Her Time To Defend Herself?
- What Do Gloria Allred & A Florida Judge Busted In A Prostitution Sting Have In Common?
- Ousted Oklahoma Judge Turned Florida Attorney Michael Chionopoulos Involved In Possible Malpractice In Depriving Rape Victim Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
- 1 Person Now Dead In Case Against Rape Victim – When Will Governor DeSantis, the Attorney General & Florida Bar Intervene?
- Did Florida Governor & Sean Hannity Drop Support Of Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno Because He Abused His Power To Pursue Women For Sex & Wanted His Baby Murdered?
- Florida State-Controlled Media Provides Cover For FDLE Report On Lee County Sheriff Regarding Threats In Paternity Suit – Here’s What They Didn’t Report
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
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- Florida Sheriffs Association Silent On Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Fraud
- The Documents SW Florida Media Are Afraid To Show Lee County Citizens About Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Is “Women’s Rights” Attorney Gloria Allred Responsible For Leaving This Woman To Face Over A $1 Million Judgment?
- A Florida Bar Investigator, The State Attorney & A Sheriff – The Corruption Runs Deep
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- Tonight’s The Night Lee County Sheriff Gets Exposed For The Fraud He Is By Local Media
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media