Florida: Attorneys Could Collectively Face Over 100 Years In Prison For Grand Theft, Possession Of Stolen Funds & Fraud
As I have reported concerning the ongoing case of Deanna Williams in Florida, much of that reporting has now centered on the crimes and ethics violations of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno. However, in an attempt to not let the crimes committed against Ms. Williams be ignored in that coverage, I believe it best to provide a simple article that points out that there are several Florida attorneys who have engaged in grand theft of Ms. Williams’ money, and it ultimately is due to the failure of attorney Gloria Allred to fulfill her agreement with Ms. Williams to pay her previous attorneys in a civil case regarding the rape of Ms. Williams by a Major League Baseball player.
Gloria Allred
Ms. Allred, along with her partner Nathan Golberg and Florida attorney Jonathan Heller provided a signed retainer agreement to Ms. Williams to settle her case and pay her previous attorneys for an unnamed six-figure amount in addition to their share of the settlement for their services. This was never paid to the attorneys, specifically Michael Dolce and John Clune.
As a result, Dolce and Clune sued Ms. Williams not only for services they provided, but they also sought to get a percentage of her settlement after they bowed out of the case which was based on a contingency.
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- Mainstream Media Covers Michael Avenatti “Not Guilty” Plea – Blackout Gloria Allred’s Dumping On Rape Victim
- Epstein Victims Should Be Wary Of Gloria Allred & Here’s Why
Jonathan Heller
Jonathan Heller was the attorney brought in by Allred and Goldberg to handle Ms. Williams case. Ms. Williams alleges that Heller also took upwards of $170,000 in addition to the above payments she agreed to via her retainer agreement. He also took this money from her without her permission. She also alleges that he behaved inappropriately towards her on several occasions.
Ware Cornell
Ware Cornell had a retainer agreement with Ms. Williams in which he was to be paid a substantial sum of money per hour for his representation of her in the case. However, according to Ms. Williams, after he took the case, he spoke to Ft. Lauderdale attorney Scott Mager. Following that conversation, Cornell entered his appearance not in the case Ms. Williams hired him to represent her in, but in the inactive rape case that had already been settled. As a result of his malpractice, a default judgment was entered in against Ms. Williams in favor of plaintiffs in the case.
When Ms. Williams found out about it, she also discovered that Cornell had intercepted a payment due her from the rape settlement in the amount of $200,000. She found this out after she sought to terminate her representation by Cornell and seek new counsel. However, it was then that Cornell informed her she wouldn’t have money to obtain new counsel as he had promised those stolen funds to attorney Scott Mager.
Ultimately, those funds were disbursed to Ms. Williams and Mr. Mager by Lee County Judge Jay B. Rosman, who was busted mere weeks later in a prostitution sting.
Mager is knowingly in possession of $100,000 from that theft and Rosman oversaw the transfer of that money.
This theft is ultimately what pushed Ms. Williams to go to Lee County Sheriff’s Office and report it as a crime, which neither LCSO nor the State Attorney’s Office under Amira Fox were willing to take on.
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Documents: Lee County Sheriff’s Office & Florida State Attorney’s Office Completely Dropped The Ball On Victim Of Grand Theft
Michael Chionopolous
Michael Chionopolous, a former Oklahoma judge who was ousted by his own peers after questionable behavior was then hired by Ms. Williams to replace Mr. Cornell. However, Mr. Chionopolous also ended up turning over another $200,000 due to Ms. Williams to Mr. Mager. Though he filed a motion with the court, including an affidavit that declared the “agreed entry,” which was not agreed upon, was a fraud entered by attorney Scott Mager, he failed to set it for a hearing, ultimately resulting in Mager holding onto another $200,000 in what should be considered stolen funds from Ms. Williams.
Emails also indicate that Chionopolous may have conspired with Mager to not only get that money from Ms. Williams but to sway her to “joining forces” with Mager to sue Gloria Allred for a seven-figure amount.
Scott Mager
Scott Mager is a Ft. Lauderdale attorney who did not provide a single service to Ms. Williams. Yet, he was allowed, according to Ms. Williams and several other attorneys, to purchase the rights to sue her from Michael Dolce. He was also allowed into the case by Judge Rosman, the man busted in the prostitute sting. Mager has been informed that he is in possession of $300,000 of Ms. Williams’ stolen money though he is seeking to disguise it “legally” via the court’s judgment.
Mager would not establish a deposition of Ms. Williams as the court demanded and after the deadline for doing so passed, Mager asked the court to arrest Ms. Williams despite possessing over a quarter of a million dollars of her money that he knew was stolen from her.
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Florida Attorney Scott Mager Seems To Make A 6 Figure Job For Himself Against Rape Victim
- Rape Victim Files Bar Complaint Against Florida Attorney Scott Mager Alleging He’s Knowingly In Possession of Six-Figures Of Stolen Funds
Ms. Williams has filed a complaint with the Florida Bar indicating his possession of these stolen funds, as well as his unethical practices. As a result, it appears that Mr. Mager is attempting to whitewash his crimes by finally notifying the court about the funds. However, take a look at the document below and you will see that he refers to them as “payments.”
Why is this important?
- Mager was in possession of the first $100,000 of stolen funds since 2017, nearly two years ago.
- Mager has been in possession of the second $200,000 of stolen funds since 2018, over a year ago.
This filing comes just weeks after the Florida Bar complaint by Ms. Williams. It appears to be an attempt on the part of Mager to try and cover his crimes by using the court to do so?
Further, one must ask, if these were, in fact, “payments,” then there are several questions that must be asked of Mr. Mager:
- Why wait over a year to report the second “payment” to the court?
- Why wait two years to report the first “payment” to the court?
- Why report it at all following the Bar complaint against Mr. Mager?
- Why has Ms. Williams never been given a receipt for either of these “payments”?
- Why has Ms. Williams never been given a statement that includes a “balance owed” and “payments rendered” by Mr. Mager?
- Is it because he knows these are stolen funds and that being in possession of them could not only cause him to lose his license but go to jail?
According to Florida law, first-degree grand theft is theft of property that is valued over $100,000 or falls into a specific type (law enforcement vehicle, for example). It is a felony. The penalties include up to 30 years in prison and a fine up to $10,000.
Each of the above named has been alleged to have committed grand theft against Ms. Williams, except Ms. Allred, who did take a six-figure amount of money but failed to properly render the services she agreed to render, resulting in the ongoing legal fight and thefts against Ms. Williams.
For Mager’s part, according to law enforcement experts, his knowing and willful possession of those stolen funds could earn him the same judgment as those who stole them. In other words, he could be charged with grand theft as well.
This is the reason that Ms. Williams needs support. If you were in this situation and hundreds of thousands of dollars was stolen from you that would have provided you a defense, would it put you in a pickle? You know it would, and on top of that, she is single, was pregnant for a short time and has multiple sclerosis.
If you are inclined to aid Ms. Williams in her fight for justice against these attorneys and the negligence and unethical practices of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office, please click here to visit her Go Fund Me page and donate.
For more documentation on the things that were addressed above, here are previous articles on the subject:
- Florida: Buying & Selling for Profit The Right to Sue a Rape Victim – The Deanna Williams Story
- Judge Tossed Right To Sue Rape Victim – Florida Attorneys Still Pursue Her, Threaten Arrest
- Rape Victim Pursued By Attorney, Who Bought Right To Sue Her, Threatened With Arrest Within 24 Hours – Here’s Why
- Rape Victim Claims Gloria Allred Failed To Honor Agreement – Now She Faces Threats Of Arrest & Judgments Of Over $1 Million
- Why Did The Florida Judicial System Render A Final Judgment Against A Rape Victim Without Giving Her Time To Defend Herself?
- What Do Gloria Allred & A Florida Judge Busted In A Prostitution Sting Have In Common?
- Ousted Oklahoma Judge Turned Florida Attorney Michael Chionopoulos Involved In Possible Malpractice In Depriving Rape Victim Of Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars
- 1 Person Now Dead In Case Against Rape Victim – When Will Governor DeSantis, the Attorney General & Florida Bar Intervene?
- Did Florida Governor & Sean Hannity Drop Support Of Florida Sheriff Carmine Marceno Because He Abused His Power To Pursue Women For Sex & Wanted His Baby Murdered?
- Florida State-Controlled Media Provides Cover For FDLE Report On Lee County Sheriff Regarding Threats In Paternity Suit – Here’s What They Didn’t Report
- Exclusive: Why Is Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Perpetrating This Fraud On The People?
- Exclusive: The Fraud In Lee County Continues – Documents Indicate Sheriff Never Met The Requirements To Be A Police Officer
- Florida “Republicans” Are Apparently OK Supporting Pro-Baby Murder & Corrupt Sheriff
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Decorates Himself In Same Fashion As Dictators Of The Past
- The Next Tier In Lee County, Florida Corruption: State Attorney Amira Fox
- Is The State Of Florida Going To Quietly Stand By As This Woman’s Life Hangs In The Balance As They Did With Terri Schiavo?
- Florida Sheriffs Association Silent On Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Fraud
- The Documents SW Florida Media Are Afraid To Show Lee County Citizens About Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Is “Women’s Rights” Attorney Gloria Allred Responsible For Leaving This Woman To Face Over A $1 Million Judgment?
- A Florida Bar Investigator, The State Attorney & A Sheriff – The Corruption Runs Deep
- Joe Biden Dropped Out Of The ’88 Presidential Election For Embellishing His Academic Record – Why Doesn’t Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno Drop Out Of His Campaign?
- What Is With Florida Republicans Supporting Frauds, Police Impersonators & Those Tied To Islamic Terrorism?
- Gloria Allred Leaves Florida Woman Hanging Out To Dry While Greedy, Money Hungry Attorneys & Enabling, Corrupt Judges Pursue Her For Over $1 Million (Video)
- Florida Bar Drops The Ball On Attorney Grand Theft Of $200,000… Again!
- Florida Attorney Scott Mager Seems To Make A 6 Figure Job For Himself Against Rape Victim
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- Why is Michael Avenatti’s Indictment For Ripping Off A Porn Star National News, But This Story Involving Gloria Allred Faces Blackout?
- Mainstream Media Covers Michael Avenatti “Not Guilty” Plea – Blackout Gloria Allred’s Dumping On Rape Victim
- Florida Department Of Law Enforcement Or Department of Whitewashing & Coverup?
- More Evidence Of Florida Corruption In Case Of Attorney Suing Rape Victim For Profit
- Former Florida State Attorney Refused To Prosecute Rape & Grand Theft From Rape Victim – Sued Local TV Station Over “Hurt Feelings”
- Southwest Florida Media Is Finally Reporting On Corruption We’ve Been Exposing For Months!
- Tonight’s The Night Lee County Sheriff Gets Exposed For The Fraud He Is By Local Media
- Florida County Gets Rocked By Explosive Report Over Fraudulent Sheriff
- Rape Victim Files Bar Complaint Against Florida Attorney Scott Mager Alleging He’s Knowingly In Possession of Six-Figures Of Stolen Funds
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- Former Lee County Sheriff To File Formal Complaint With Florida Commission On Ethics – Calls For Investigation Of Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Florida Commission On Ethics Receives Complaint Against Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno From Former Sheriff
- Epstein Victims Should Be Wary Of Gloria Allred & Here’s Why
- Documents: Lee County Sheriff’s Office & Florida State Attorney’s Office Completely Dropped The Ball On Victim Of Grand Theft
- Lee County Arrests Police Captain For Prostitution & Perjury – Criminal Sheriff Carmine Marceno Still In Place
- Florida: “Constitutional” “Republicans” To Turn Out In “Support” & “Honor” Of A Documented Felon Who Wanted His Own Child Murdered
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- Florida Ethics Commission Investigating Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
- Former Lee County Sheriff to FDLE: Sheriff Carmine Marceno Has Engaged In “The Biggest Fraud Perpetrated On Police Officer Standards & Training I Have Ever Seen”
- The Guardian Finally Makes A National Story About Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s Crimes That We’ve Reported On For Months! – Will Gloria Allred Be Next?
- Is This The Reason SouthWest Florida Media Is Silent About The Crimes & Unethical Behavior Of Carmine Marceno?
- Former Sheriff Provides Florida Ethics Investigator Additional Evidence Of Criminal & Ethics Violations By Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno
Article posted with permission from Sons Of Liberty Media